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Image by ActionVance

Where are we? Is the Universe friendly? What is ultimately Real? 

 FreiRaum (Open Space) Gerolzhofen and Volkach, Germany, and the World
Laboratory & Network for Transformation & Sensemaking

Welcome to FreiRaum GEO, Volkach, Franconia, & the World

Dunkler Hintergrund

This website is currently under construction. Please come back frequently for updates.

Are you a changemaker?


>> Maybe you have started an initiative to change the world and want to encourage people to join in...

>> Or you are looking for initiatives where you can put your whole heart into...

>> Maybe you are working on or in an organization that makes a real difference in the world and perhaps operates outside the existing paradigm of winning in a zero-sum game...

>> Or you want to transform your existing organization so that it becomes genuinely 'future-proof'...

>> Perhaps you have been working on your personal or spiritual development for a long time, but are wondering how you can transfer your experiences into everyday life...


>> Or you simply want a space where you can work on your development in a relaxed manner, but also meet both like-minded people and those who think differently, so you can share with each other...


>> Perhaps you would like to test a new idea and get appreciative feedback...


>> Or maybe you're looking for a space where you can meet up with the other people involved in your initiative in a relaxed atmosphere and perhaps attract other interested people.​

If one or more of the above options apply to you, welcome to FreiRaum!


Especially in today's world, there is a need for open spaces where people can come together in a relaxed environment to learn, grow, get in touch with others, work together, get involved, start and participate in initiatives, become self-employed, etc. All of this requires a prepared environment.


In a similar way to how Montessori education creates a relaxed environment in which the authentic needs of children are met at their respective developmental stages (whether sensorimotor, concrete operational, or formal operational), adults, who are required to learn throughout their lives more than ever, also need an environment in which they can pursue their own developmental needs. I want to create such a place with FreiRaum GEO.

The Vision of FreiRaum


In the existing KreativQuartier in Gerolzhofen and Volkach (or in an alternative location), next to the existing coworking and meeting spaces for companies and non-profits, we want to offer attractive open spaces for individuals and initiatives - spaces for meetings, societal engagement, as well as personal and collective development and transformation. 

Lifelong learning and further development must become lived realities rather than buzzwords. This requires spaces and "hubs" where people can come together in a relaxed environment to grow, transform, and get involved.


For this purpose, I offer moderated evenings, seminars, and individual coaching, including regular meetings and incubators* for initiatives, founders, and entrepreneurs.  But there are also open spaces (FreiRäume) and times when you can simply drop by and meet people for interesting conversations.


*An incubator enables people to work on a concept (alone or in a team) over a longer time, whereby they are guided step by step through a supported process that takes them from the first idea to the concept creation and implementation. The exchange with others can also have a fructifying effect. At the end, there will be an opportunity to present the concepts to interested parties (including potential customers and investors).

What Constitutes a FreiRaum?
Here I try to briefly summarize what the idea behind the FreiRaum is, what distinguishes it from other forms of community, and why we need FreiRaum (open spaces) right now.

IDG-Hub Franconia

In addition, an IDG Hub is planned as part of the Inner Development Goals initiative. This is an international, non-profit movement that assumes that in order to achieve the UN sustainability goals (Agenda 2030), we must develop internally, both individually and collectively (or culturally).


Both a local or regional focus (GEO, Lower Franconia, or Franconia, where there is not yet a single IDG hub) and a content-related focus (such as education, learning, U-Lab, Social Impact Lab, New Work, community, etc.) are possible. Within the IDG hub, there are many opportunities for offers and collaboration with public actors, non-profit organizations, local and regional companies, initiatives, and individuals.

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Let us co-create a prepared, relaxed environment to co-create this new world, in person and online, by

  • getting together and working together

  • meeting and exchanging ideas

  • practicing and learning together

  • or just taking a break or incubation period

The exact offer is currently under development and will be announced soon on this website.

At the moment, I am still looking for partners for the joint coordination of the IDG Hub and for the further design of the concrete offers. If you are interested, please contact me!

For questions & getting to know each other:
Phone: +49 15738098389

Image by Kevin MacAulay
Welcome home


The FreiRaum (= OpenSpace) GEO, Volkach, Franconia, & the World is a space for encounters, development, and cooperation. It is an open space that moves, in a certain way, outside of the usual zero-sum games with their win/lose metrics. Instead, it is about infinite games where we can all win (including all sentient beings, nature, and the planet as a whole).


To this end, there will be various offers through which you can get closer and closer to yourself, get to know other people who are similar to you, and, together with others, you can contribute to creating a world that works for everyone. If you have your own ideas and want to actively participate in this vision/mission, please contact me. I look forward to our conversation.

Kerstin Tuschik


Founder and Director of FreiRaum GEO


Since 2013 Executive Leadership Team of the Center for World Philosophy and Religion (first as Executive Director, now as Senior Editor)


More than 10 years of experience as Coach and Trainer (self-employed and through several Institutions for further education)


More than 10 years of experience as as Dance Teacher (after my studies in the Netherlands and New York City


trained Yoga- and Meditationteacher

Inspiration and Deep Development!

The very inspiring and uplifting conversations with Kerstin gave me many new perspectives and insights into my topics. Depending on the topic, I also received the right tools for further independent work. As a result, I was not only able to successfully hold difficult conversations and permanently resolve conflicts, but also go through a much deeper development. Kerstin supported me with both professional and private challenges. I am enthusiastic about her clarity and variety of methods and can warmly recommend working with her!

Mag. Karin Graf
Expert in systemic constellations since 1998


Why GEO?

On the one hand, GEO is the license plate for Gerolzhofen - the place where I live and work.

At the same time, GEO also stands for the earth as a whole - like in GEOlogy and GEOgraphy, but also GEOpolitics.

My offers are therefore both local (for people in Gerolzhofen, Volkach, the district of Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria,  Germany and the German-speaking countries), as well as global (therefore sometimes also in English).  

Many offers take place in a hybrid of online and on-site formats. 

There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.

- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

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