In addition to the offers below, we can arrange a personal meeting to discuss a tailor-made offer for you. I look forward to hearing from you!​

One-on-One Calls
In an intimate individual, couple, or team setting we can discuss a wide variety of topics and goals.
Individual, couple, team, & group coaching on a topic, concern, or goal of your choice
Spiritual individual work: Your next steps in your development (Wake up, Grow up, Clean up/Lighten up, Show up)
Time-outs & incubators with integrated coaching, e.g. for start-ups, entrepreneurs, initiatives, and teams
"The environment is breaking down and the climate is changing rapidly. The Week is a group experience to help us see what’s coming, and what we can do about it."
3 Evenings. Together.
To make sense of the defining crisis of our time.
The Week was developed by Frederic Laloux and his team. We use the materials they created (3 documentaries on 3 evenings) to start a conversation.
Let's go on a journey together!
"Too often this topic feels abstract and overwhelming. The Week is an opportunity to really engage with this topic among friends, family or colleagues. We are not told what to do, but we are encouraged to make our own decisions. So that we can say in good conscience: I knew what I needed to know, I did what I needed to do and I have no regrets."

OpeningIDG-Hub Franken
Discussion group on the UN's sustainability goals (Agenda 2030) and the Inner Development Goals
Basic principles and content elements of the work at FreiRaum GEO*
All offers can consist of the following elements, each with a different weighting:
A relaxed environment where you can simply be and your soul has space to breathe
Exploring our authentic needs, desires, and values (our deepest heart's desires)
In-depth discussions and support on the respective topics that you bring with you
Facilitating discussions in a team or group to discuss questions together, develop solutions, and bring out collective wisdom
Vision-finding and goal planning as well as creative solution-finding
"Teaching conversations" on selected topics to create a focus point and a common language for our work*
Centering and awareness practices such as meditation, bodywork from dance, yoga, breath work, and movement meditations, chanting, etc., which serve to open the heart and consciousness and to support true embodiment, turning to one's own inner wisdom, and generating deeper insights
Exercises and exchange in dyads or in small groups to feel the “we-space," to have new experiences in togetherness, or to make a point from the teaching conversation tangible
*The philosophical concepts used in discussions and classes come mostly from the Integral Wisdom teacher and philosopher Dr. Marc Gafni, with whom I have studied for the last ten years and with whom I work closely. These concepts are also influenced by the philosopher and creator of the Integral Theory Ken Wilber.