Selfreflection: Where Am I?
“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe. "
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Vision &
Your longing for - and vision of - a well-lived life for yourself and your loved ones, as well as a world with less suffering, more joy ,and loving connectedness- a world that works for everyone - is based on your, mostly unconscious, self and worldview.
By becoming aware of this image of yourself and the world, you can begin to expand it and clarify your vision.
In doing so, we can learn from the traditional wisdom teachings (world religions) originating from the premodern era, modern science, and the findings of the postmodern era (e.g. about context and multiple perspectives).
We can then integrate the best of our insights into our own image of ourselves and the world.
The Embodiment of Our Essence
Consciously expanding our self-image and our vision of the world is a first step. But it is only when we truly embody our own unique and interconnected essence (what Dr. Marc Gafni has termed “Unique Self”) that we can set healthy boundaries and take good care of ourselves in all of this.
This embodiment requires regular practices and a relaxed space for development and growth. Among other things, it is important to get rid of everything inside us that stands in the way of our full embodiment.
This also requires external structures and processes that do not restrict us, but liberate us. Without these structures, paradoxically, there is no freedom.
It is important to create these liberating structures. Only then can we - together with others - begin to realize our visions in everyday life.
Living Our Values Together
But only when we live our essence in everyday life with others, with the awareness of both our differences and the underlying shared field of value, and implement our visions step by step (together), do we really arrive in ourselves and “at home” in the world.
As humans, we need encounters and lived cooperation. We need practices of love in order to continually transform and develop not only ourselves, but also our relationships, processes, and structures.
We need laboratories, so to speak, in which we can experiment with the new and exchange our experiences: open spaces for encounters, exchange, and collaboration, but also open spaces for practice, development, learning, and creativity.
Together we become conscious co-creators of this world - a world that works for everyone.
What is your vision of a better world?
What world do you want to live in?
What values are really important for you?
How do you already live these values?
And what about the opposite of these values?
Where do you want to be in 10 or 20 years?
What is different in this world than it is now?
What is different in this world than the automatic future we are living into, if we continue in our default direction?
Who are you in this world?
Who do you want to be (or maybe even who do you have to be) to truly live your vision?
How do you embody this being in your physical body? Your mind? Your soul?
What do you practice regularly to live this embodiment?
What habits do you have that help you achieve this? (or not?)
What new habits do you want to implement?
What do you want to stop doing?
How do you know (or would you know) that you have arrived?
How do you transform yourself to be more and more who you want to be
or who you already are in your essence?
What do you do to be love in action?
What is your unique contribution to your vision?
Who do you work with or want to work with?
Who belongs to your evolutionary family? Your "Unique Self Symphony"?
How do you work together?
What are your shared values and principles?
What is the shared story in which you live?