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The Journey of Our Unique Transformation: Lines and Circles Yearning to Become Spirals

with Jacqueline Clark & me

I am so happy for and proud of the opportunity to co-teach this episode of One Mountain, Many Paths together with Jacqueline Clark and our whole team last week as part of our summer symphonies, where we have been taking the teachings of Dr. Marc Gafni and applied them to our lives, making them even more relatable than they already are.

Jacqueline and I are especially discussing the lines and circles teaching and each of our unique tikkun, our unique transformation. I specifically discuss the teachings on the void and on Value is Real, which have been so important in my own life journey.

What Is One Mountain, Many Paths?

From the Website:

One Mountain is a weekly transmission of timeless and evolutionary wisdom, aggregated through the ages, distilled for today’s great, and terrible realities.


We must drink deeply from the most relevant sacred insights about our human and spiritual nature in order to wake up and grow up into our own maturation and greatness as individuals.  From here we can show up collectively to embody the new era of humanity and unlock our most thriving future. 

Dr. Marc Gafni and the late Barbara Marx Hubbard have devoted their lives to articulating the most precise, impactful integrations of sacred teachings throughout history so we can each show up to One Mountain and leave enthralled by our oneness, purpose, and potential! 


While there are many paths up ‘the Mountain’, 'One Mountain, Many Pathsis devoted to revealing the mountain itself and this leads to profound, transformational insights that will leave you more empowered to step into your personal purpose as a creator.

That's why we always say in our services:

We are a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a temple, a zendo...we’re all of it. No one is excluded, everyone is included… and we come together to attune to the evolutionary impulse awakening within us… WELCOME HOME!!


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