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Invititation to One Mountain, Many Paths: Lines and Circles

Hi everyone,

I decided to practice my communication skills a little bit, and especially being on camera. So, in the future you will see me more often here, practicing and showing up.

One of the things I want to tell you about is that my colleague Jacqueline and I are going to teach at One Mountain, Many Paths on September 1st. We will be talking about some of the distinctions of CosmoErotic Humanism and how they apply to our own lives - and yours.

One of the distinctions we are going to reflect on is the distinction between lines and circles, which are yearning to become a spiral.

This distinction is taken from the lineage of Solomon, which Dr. Marc Gafni is so deeply steeped in, and especially from Isaac Luria. And it is reinterpreted for our times by our beloved teacher Dr. Marc Gafni.

Please join us in One Mountain, Many Paths on September 1.

Register to receive the Zoom link at


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