No More “Business as Usual”

I was delighted by the numerous comments, especially on Facebook, on the first part of my update - - and I did my best to respond directly to your questions and comments.
And so, as promised, here comes Part 2. For Part 1, click here.
What's great about a crisis like this is that although it's a deep descent into a valley, the summit that can be reached afterwards is all the more beautiful for it. And I'm still on the ascent. Not that everything is suddenly perfect, but I have a whole new - and above all continuous - joy, contentment, and fulfillment within me. I am on MY way, and I LOVE my life.
This also answers the question of why I couldn't see all this before. Why did I have to " learn from my mistakes"? Honestly, I've asked this myself many times - mostly in relation to others, of course... Hehe....
Of course, I "knew" most of what I learned here before.
I knew so many practices that were good for me, and I was aware that I "should" be practicing more regularly....
I knew that I should sleep more and better and at least theoretically how that works....
I knew that I tend to get lost in (online) work and that it does not do me any good....
And I knew that I need more community and genuine contacts - especially also in the real world (not only online)....
But, as it says in the Bible (Matthew 26:41), "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
I really needed to understand this in my body first.
In Kundalini Yoga (more on that soon) they say, "The beginning of self-love is self-discipline." And that's something I've only now penetrated in depth, and am still penetrating more deeply.
What does self-discipline that comes from my self-love (and love in general) look like?
What routines, rhythms, and rituals do I practice daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly that keep reminding me of the innermost core and are, in a sense, aligning me with my path?
Here, I am finding out more and more and committing myself more and more deeply to my path, my love, and my Self....
And this also gives me more and more strength to do what is mine to do, as well as to listen to my innermost intuition....
And from there, I know more clearly than ever:
What I want has nothing to do with "Business as Usual"....
Nor do I want to build a "business" and do "marketing"....
And join the ranks of those who plead and beg for attention....
Yes, I like to work with people, and I bring a lot of knowledge and skills to the table - whether you call it coaching or whatever....
And yes, I could use the money, too....
But I don't want to grow a coaching business...
If someone "finds" me and we get together in that way, great....
And if we come together in another way, that's just as wonderful....
What I'm really about is genuine, sincere, and authentic contacts....
In real life or online...
Contacts with heart, soul, mind, and body....
People who want to go deeper...
Who are on their path...
And who want to move and actualize something together....
The part of the "Dharma" - that post-postmodern teaching that includes and transcends all previous teachings - as we formulate it at the Center (and here, of course, especially through Dr. Marc Gafni, who is my teacher and with whom I collaborate intensively - more on this soon), that has touched and excited me most deeply from the very beginning, is the idea of the "Unique Self Symphony."
A Unique Self Symphony is more and something different than... alliance of friends or lovers...
...a particularly effective team working together on projects for the improvement, transformation, or evolution of the world... intentional community or alliance of people who want to grow together and dedicate themselves to their inner processes... alliance of Unique Selves, each using their unique gifts for the sake of the whole and finding their own fulfillment in the process....
It is all of this plus so much more....
At the Center, we have been practicing all of this for a long time - at least virtually - and are getting closer and closer to the vision of a true Unique Self Symphony. And yet, there is still so much to discover, explore, and develop....
In a real Unique Self (Jazz) Symphony, everyone plays his or her instrument and is simultaneously aware of the whole music... Everyone improvises, plays his or her part fully responsibly, and, at the same time, takes responsibility for the whole... And by that, I mean not only for the results and successes, but also for the web of love between us... The fulfillment of our respective real needs and deepest heart's desires…
We practice the practices of love with each other... every day... sometimes in person... sometimes virtually... energetically... through small messages of love... by noticing each other... and holding space for each other... praying for each other... blessing each other... encouraging each other... rejoicing for each other in our successes... and so much more....
Of course, this is not about perfection. Rather, it is a journey. And the path is the goal.
It is about being within the Tao. And the Tao that can be described is not the real Tao.
It's about the shared space based on shared, authentic, fundamental values and principles of the Kosmos, on what we, at the Center, call "First Values & First Principles."
Besides my work at the Center, for which I am passionate, that is about publishing a whole series of books about these fundamental principles in the next few years, I would also like to co-create at least a small community, or Unique Self Symphony, a kind of evolutionary family, here, in the German-speaking world (and also beyond), and to develop shared projects in that space. These projects can be of manifold nature and essentially depend on the people coming together. The important thing is that they are based on shared values and principles and actively participate in the evolution of the world.
A first project that suggests itself - since, in a way, all further projects build on it - is the translation of the essential books and papers of the Center. This has become, among other things through apps like Deepl, quite easy and enables the necessary discussion of these principles in broader circles. And I am pleased to have already identified the first contributors to this effort. Coming soon... [For all of you who participated in the translation project for Your Unique Self a few years ago: YES, it's continuing... and it's so much easier now...]
If you have read this far, what speaks to you the most about what I have described here?
What are your interests and projects?
Where do you see overlaps?
Where would you like to get in touch?
You are welcome.
I look forward to the unfolding conversations.
Translated and edited with (free version)